In some ways, we all play botanists when it comes to beauty: You have itchy, burning red skin from staying out in the sun one minute too long, so you slather on aloe vera. Your complexion is acting out, so you spot-treat your breakout with clarifying tea-tree oil. You notice flakes on your dry legs, so you seek out hydrating, moisture-rich ingredients like avocado oil. But as much as we like to think we know all the buzziest ingredients in beauty (and their benefits), there are a handful that have flown under the radar.
Together with Natura, the Brazilian beauty brand that prides itself on harnessing the power of nature-derived elements found in the Amazon (and in turn, has made it its mission to preserve the region's biodiversity at all costs) , we’ve spotlighted seven incredibly potent, super-beneficial natural ingredients that you’ve probably never heard of. Here, we list what they are, where they’re found, and why they’re essential to your beauty regimen.
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