It's fall y'all. Besides lighting up campfire-scented candles, breaking out the full-bodied reds, and brushing up on PSL-ordering lingo, you can also catch us inside swaddled in our cozy cloaks: AKA, bathrobes.
Keep your fuzzy socks and fleecy throws, because all we want for autumn is a cozy robe. These part-bed, part-bath pieces are the ultimate comfy-luxe home attire. Like an incredible pajama-towel hybrid, the robe's leisure potential knows no bounds. We can wear it while wet or dry, snoozing in bed or cooking in the kitchen, and with or without the company of others. Plus, they also make solid gifting material (for all you holiday pre-pre-planners).
Scroll ahead to shop our top-rated picks for the best bathrobes to get the cozy-cloak job done this season — from plush terry-cloth types with pockets to premium waffle-weaves with hoods.
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