Since discovering Tiffany & Co.'s advent calendar that's chock full of actual diamonds, we've had our hearts set on finding a suitable alternative for our own Christmas countdowns — and by this we mean one that doesn't cost more than most people's annual rent. And while there are lots of unique advent calendars worth exploring across the e-commerce world, we're keeping it simple and streamlining our search to the one destination used for pretty much everything: Amazon.
The whole concept of the advent calendar is brilliant, because why not remedy the unbearable anticipation leading up to Santa's arrival and the ensuing exchange of Christmas presents than with daily hold-me-over mini gifts? Plus, there are all kinds of calendars to choose from with something for chocolate addicts, tea drinkers, and beauty lovers alike. So in between stocking up on Amazon's plethora of sale items and fashion deals, we've also got our eyes on a number of advent calendars to add to our (already filled-to-the-brim) carts. With vintage wooden styles, luxury beauty calendars, and a selection of quirky DIY options, there are endless surprises that await this December.
At Refinery29, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. All product details reflect the price and availability at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.
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